Reason’s my 4 year old won’t sleep…


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Hello everybody and welcome back.
As I sit writing this is it currently 01.18 and Leland is WIDE awake… So I thought I’d compile a little list of all the reasons Leland cannot go to sleep tonight.

  1. He’s hungry

  2. He’s thirsty

  3. He has two feet

  4. He can hear a crunchy sound

  5. He needs a huggle

  6. He can smell Archie (My mum’s dog… who isn’t even here)

  7. Rufus is snoring (Rufus is his bear)

  8. He is bored

  9. He needs a wee

  10. He needs to ask me something extremely important

  11. He needs a poo

  12. He needs a bedtime story

  13. He’s too hot

  14. He’s too cold

  15. He needs a banana

  16. He doesn’t like broccoli

  17. He needs something to eat that begins with the letter U

  18. He needs sweets

  19. His teeth feel like marshmallow

  20. He forgot to play with the Paw Patroller

  21. His pillow is too soft

  22. He can smell daddy’s feet

  23. He needs another drink

  24. He forgot to give Granny a snuggle (Granny left at 4pm and had three snuggles and kisses goodbye)

  25. He needs some new shoes

  26. He forgot to go to school  (It’s the summer holidays)

  27. He forgot to tell me that he loved me

  28. He needs a DVD

  29. He’s not tired

  30. He’s too tired



Any other parents out there having trouble tonight?
I feel your pain ❤
Take care and speak soon

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