Mummy Dates Project 2017 #4


Hello Everybody and welcome back to Mummy Dates Project 2017!
This week, we decided to get wrapped up, brave the cold and get some fresh air by going for a walk in the woods.
Leland and Rufus ready for a bear hunt
We drove around 30 minutes from where we live to Beverley Westwood  and began our woodland adventure.
Two minutes in, lost already
Leland decided which route we would take, most of them only being big enough for him to squeeze though. There is no real trail inside the woods, so we kind of made our own way up as we went along.
At first our adventure began as a bear hunt, which quickly changed to looking for the Gruffalo, then finally we went in search of the Trolls Tree.

Naughty Rufus hiding in a tree
We spent around an hour wandering around, not seeing another person the whole time.
Leland absolutely loved seeing all the fallen trees, finding mushrooms and looking at all of the moss and fungus that grew on some of the trees. We found little dens people had made from branches and we found lots of birds nests.
Chilling in a tree
Taking a break
We both really enjoyed our walk out in the woods and it tired Leland out for bedtime =)
One boy and his bear <3

I hope you have enjoyed this little entry.
Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas of where else we can go on an adventure.

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