Mummy Dates Project 2017


Hello everybody and welcome back!
I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas and new year =)

This year I will be taking part in the Mummy Dates Project 2017; an idea thought up by one of my favourite bloggers, Louise Pentland.
I am so in love with this idea.
Myself and Leland have so many mummy dates throughout the year, even if it's something as simple as going for a walk to the park, then for lunch then stopping off to feed the ducks on the way home. 
So as part of the mummy project, I am going to be dedicating one post a week for the next year, starting tomorrow with myself and Leland's mummy dates.
I am so excited to take part in this project and can't wait to look back on the 'dates' that I document in years to come. 
If you yourself are a mummy and would like to take part in this project, simply click on the picture below and it will take you to Louise's blog post where you can find instructions on how to take part.


If anybody has any suggestions of where to go on our 'dates' I would love to hear from you!

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